Welcome to my blog! 🚀

I'm Noam, a mobile developer and a general nerd. I like ranting about iOS development, tools, automation, and other things that catch my interest. In general, a tech lover and a programming nerd! I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!

Recent Posts

Skip VS KMP for Swift developers

Which one is better for you?

Intro to scripting with Swift

An oversimplified overview of how to start using Swift for scripting

Favorite tools

Useful tools that I use on a daily basis

Bumping SPM Version Using Fastlane

Automate the process of bumping the version of your SPM package using Fastlane

Intro to Orb development for CircleCI

A quick overview of how to write an orb for CircleCI, and how to use it in your config.

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